Introduction Data analytics is a big word that means many things. It can also mean many different things to different people, so it’s important to know the type of analytics you’re dealing with when you talk about it. In this blog post, we’ll go over some of the main types […]
Big Data And Analytics
Introduction I’m excited to announce that I’ve started a new Youtube channel all about data! My name is Zac, and I’m an assistant professor at the University of Oregon’s School of Architecture and Allied Arts. (If you’re not familiar with us, we’re one of the few places in the world […]
Introduction Real time data processing is a process of analyzing and acting on data as soon as it’s received. Unlike traditional batch processing, where you wait until a set amount of data has been collected before starting the process, real time processing allows you to analyze each piece of data […]
Introduction There’s a lot of talk about how important it is to be smart. But what does that mean? And if you’re not a genius, can you still use your intellect to get ahead in life and business? The answer is yes! It doesn’t matter if you’re the smartest person […]
Introduction Tattoos are a popular way to express yourself, even if you’re a professional football player. In this article, we’ll take a look at some NFL players with the most tattoos and find out why they got them, how many they have, and what’s on their skin. Why do people […]
Introduction I’ve been working with data for a long time, and I love it. I’ve always found it helpful in my work and my day-to-day life. But lately, I’ve noticed that more and more people are trying to use data to make decisions — and that’s not always such a […]
Introduction Job searching is a time-consuming activity, especially when candidates are applying for multiple positions. What’s the best time to look for a job? A data analysis of the recruiting industry shows that the optimal time is early in the morning. Time is a valuable thing. Time is a valuable […]
Introduction Data sets are the foundation of data visualization. If you have a bad data set, your visualization is going to be bad too. So how do you make sure that the data set is good? In this post I’ll go over the different types of data sets you need […]
Introduction Here’s a collection of cool data visualization projects that I came across. Let me know if you have any other favorites! Visualizing Data With D3.js D3.js is a JavaScript library for visualizing data in web browsers. It’s a tool for creating interactive visualizations in HTML, SVG and CSS. D3 […]
Introduction Big data is an umbrella term used to describe data that is too large, fast, and complex for traditional methods of collection and storage. The volume of big data can be measured in several significant ways: Volume refers to the amount of information being collected and analyzed by a […]